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Theater Whore: Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol wastes absolutely no time getting started. I was not a fan at all of the first Mission Impossible. The second one I liked (though a ton of people hated it because it was ultra John Woo). The third was cool. But this one was like being on a damned rollercoaster. This makes your normal life seem boring as all hell in comparison. You ever jump off a rooftop while taking out two guys with guns and then using an inflatable pack installed in your jacket to break your fall before rolling to the ground and then killing another one? Yeah, I did too. That was the best birthday ever.

Too bad he gets shot by a hot Russian chick moments later. His team gets there in time to see him die. Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is locked away in prison and after being rescued in the coolest way imaginable by Benji Dunn (Simon Pegg) and Jane Carter (Paula Patton). It involved a sonic gun and opening prison doors at the right moments. After being updated on what’s happening Hunt ends up sneaking into the Kremlin and escapes just as it blows the fuck up! And for once Hunt actually gets hurt! That is one thing I liked. In previous films he would get launched by an explosion into a wall or vehicle and just keep on running.

Hunt meets with one of the heads of IMF and William Brandt (Jeremy Renner) who tell him that he has been accused of destroying the Kremlin and that the president has enacted a “ghost protocol” which means that he is now a fugitive and that he and his team are cut off from funding and any help. He then helps him out and is shot in the head before the car crashes. Hunt and Brandt barely escape. Hendricks (Michael Nyqvist) has stolen from the Kremlin before it blew up the secrets for a nuclear missile to launch towards America. He thinks that the world needs to be blown up to start from scratch. Yeah. He cray-cray.

This movie was really cool. You don’t have to see the other films or even really remember much about them to enjoy this. There are so many scenes where I said to myself “Yep, they all about to die now…” There is a sequence that they show in the trailer where Hunt is climbing up the side of Burj Khalifa which is fucking over 200 floors! That scene made me crush coal into diamond. This movie also made me afraid of being caught in a sandstorm. Make sure you see this in a loud ass theater. Speaking of which I need to let you all know what happened when I went to see this. It was a movie going experience I’d never, uh, experienced before. Check back on this site soon for more details.

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