Don't know why I am thinking about nests and eggs this morning. Must be those darn goose babies from last year. They are out on my porch, quite large now and crapping on the sidewalk and patio and honking. The minute the drapes go open, they swim over and climb the steps. They actually peck on the windows and look through them. I put a little fencing across the back yard next to the lake, but there are a few spaces they can still get in. Worse, I saw them picking at my tiger lily shoots coming up. They also like the seeds from the bird feeders that are dropped. It's always something.
By the way, during the move, I dropped and broke this sculpture of my hand.
This is a study of mockingbirds I did. If you remember, I used to climb the tallest trees to look into nests and see the babies and eggs.
I do miss my chickens, especially the ones that were like pets. But, I really miss the eggs.
I know I've told you this before so humor me. Indians learned to make baskets from watching the birds' build their nests. I love that. Here is one I made.
Little hummingbird nest. They'll return the first of April, so have your feeders ready.
The mallard eggs in my bush last spring. As you can see I am thinking about spring. On the back porch yesterday, I watched a starling going into the birdhouse the sparrows use. The sparrows have been making trips for stuff to build their nest and the starling was going in and removing it all and flying away with it. Mother Nature doesn't like that. Me and my weenies are getting ready to go chase the geese away. Better put my pants on first. This ain't the farm.
Have a wonderful weekend.
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